What Is Love?

What is love? I was asked by my 14-year-old nephew. He wanted to know more about how love and relationships worked. I answered him with love is an emotion. That you would feel when good things are happening to you mostly by a person. Being around someone you care for very much or doing that thing that you really enjoy, would be what you love to do. Love is an emotion that can make you feel both good and bad, on the top of the world or at the bottom of a ditch on a rainy day.

Emotions are strong agitations of the feelings caused by experiencing sadness, being upset, love, happiness, fear, etc. When boy meets girl or vice verse, mostly from a physical attraction is where an interest begins and may grow into love. Which is a strong affectionate feeling for that person. Love is much deeper than just liking someone, a general care for or casual dating. When you are in love with someone you become protective, more caring, mindful of, making sacrifices for. Love teaches you how to use patience, kindness and how to pick your battles. 

Love teaches you how to use patience, kindness and how to pick your battles.

Love may have you always wanting to be in that person’s company. Enjoying one another’s thoughts, ambitions, ideas, the things she does and how she does it. When love grows into a deeper, more committed level. You may find yourselves in a meaningful sexual relationship/marriage. You really can’t get enough of this person. But for the most part, love is determined by one’s action. You judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Meaning if the actions of a person are bad then so is the person. You can’t get good fruit from a bad tree. The actions of a person tell the mindset of that person, not so much of what’s being said by the person. Don’t ever be afraid to accept something for what it is. Some people will see a bad person or a bad situation and will entertain it rather than walking away.

When you see or know something is bad, leave it be. You are likely not going to change a person into what you are looking for. When this happens, just keep looking. Sooner or later you will find your match. To settle or try to force things to work may be very destructive. Changes of a person come from within the mindset of that person. Only I can change the mindset and the things I do, it is my decision. No one can force or make me. When we act out our thoughts we show people who we really are inside. Your actions will always speak louder than any amount of words that may come out of your mouth. Just telling someone you love them and not showing it is just lip service.

Nowadays many people are caught up in doing just that. They just want to say what they kind of felt at the moment or what they think that person wanted to hear. Not being mindful of what love really means or that they may have to fulfill that action later. Some may use it as an expression. To express how they are feeling kinda sorta at that particular time because of what’s going on. The words I love you can be used in many different ways. Sometimes it’s real and authentic feelings. Other times it’s used to get something out of someone. When you start to tap into a person’s emotions. Most times you can manipulate their feelings.

Getting them to go in the direction of your choice. That’s something you may want to watch out for. But this type of usages of love has its drawbacks and punishments. This kind of love is broad, and it can be done by anyone or any kind of relationship. So love is a feeling, an emotion that could be good, bad and ugly. It all depends on how you use it and how it’s being used on you. So be careful of how you love, who you love and what you love. valentines-day-whats-wrong-with-showing-love

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